CVAC- “The Pod”

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How Can You Take Part In This Unique Conditioning Experience?

Find Out In CVAC Solutions.

CVAC Might Be One Of The Most Powerful Healing Modalities Ever Discovered!

Increased Oxygen Utilization, Mitochondria Biogenesis, Improving Collateral Circulation In The Heart And Stem Cell Activation Are All Reasons One Might Want To Use CVAC. This Treatment Is Powerful For Overcoming Disease Or Living A Better And Longer Life.

Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning™ (CVAC™) Process is a method similar to hyperbaric oxygen. Due to its dynamic nature of changing pressures as well as more hypoxic dosing, it is much more effective than hyperbaric oxygen therapy. CVAC offers some amazing benefits and has been highly researched. Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning™ is a way to condition the body, improve oxygenation, and is a powerful glymphatic pump! Using the CVAC daily for a few weeks can jump-start healing and deep cleansing of the nervous system and body. The CVAC can do much for the heart and cardiovascular system as well. Highly conditioned athletes and severely deconditioned individuals alike are achieving their personal best through regular use of the Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning™ (CVAC™) Process. The CVAC™ Process represents an unparalleled approach to improving the function of the body’s energy system. Effort and workload are each varied and increased by using a patterned sequential progression, in the amplitude of dynamic pressure changes to fresh air. Regular, rhythmic use of the CVAC Process, can elicit some of the same benefits gained through traditional aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Exercise and CVAC Sessions each challenge the body to improve a person’s fitness. While in a CVAC Session, however, the increased effort required is provided by varied changes in air pressure. The body naturally adapts to this increased demand which improves and accelerates fitness even more.

Benefits similar to those gained through traditional aerobic and anaerobic exercise; allowing you to achieve better oxygen utilization, improved anaerobic energy production and improved metabolic waste removal.

The CVAC Pod involves a low-pressure, dynamically varying environment. Fresh air is pumped in and pulled out. The hyperbaric chamber provides a static, high-pressure environment that is of high oxygen content.

Individuals at all levels of fitness seeking to improve their physical conditioning have taken CVAC™ Sessions totaling thousands of hours. Ear-clearing techniques are learned prior to CVAC Sessions to reduce the chances of any ear discomfort.

Exercise programs are comprised of various components—each complementing one another to achieve overall benefit. The improvement in utilization of available oxygen could result in longer cardio workouts without fatigue.

No, it is not altitude training. The goal of the CVAC Process is not to cause an acclimatization response. The goal is to provide adaptation-based physical conditioning. The CVAC Process exposes the body to changes in pressure, which set up waves of tension and resolution. The body’s adaptation response to these changes naturally and inevitably results in improved physical conditioning. This adaptation response is comparable to what happens when a person participates in physical activities such as swimming, yoga, and interval and resistance training. All of these processes employ tension and resolution.

Adaptation-based physical conditioning versus altitude training

We recognize that endurance athletes often engage in altitude training; however, that training differs greatly from the adaptation-based conditioning provided by the CVAC Process. The hypoxic stress component of the CVAC process is brief, transient, and pulsatile; it does not compare to the static, long-term exposures to unnaturally lowered oxygen concentrations associated with nitrogen tents, a popular form of “altitude training”. With the CVAC Process, dynamic changes in pressure are applied to fresh room air only.


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