

This is the best Detox to clear food sensitivities, inflammation, and auto-immune issues. I have personally used this protocol on my self and hundreds of patients with excellent results. If you are out of town we have a program that includes a 30 minute consult with me and we can ship Clearvite along with any other products directly to you!

Remember…. If healing is possible, consider it to be within your reach!

John Lieurance, D.C.

(941) 330-8553




The first step in this program is a modified fast for three to five days. A minimum of three days is required for best results. During the fast, do not take any supplements. Limit your dietary intake to a drink that is made up of freshly squeezed lime and/or lemon (with pulp), water, organic maple syrup (grade B is preferred), and brewed green tea (optional). Exact proportions are not critical and you can make the drink as sour or diluted as you like.
Take sips of the drink every 15 minutes throughout the day. You ought to expect to feel the need to urinate frequently.

If you are taking sips all day you should be able to stabilize your blood sugar without any foods. If you truly become hungry, you are allowed to eat one food (or a fresh veggie drink), but it must be a vegetable you rarely eat, such as brussel sprouts, cauliflower, etc. Do not add anything to the vegetables such as spices or dressings.

The strict limitation of food is important because you’re trying to decrease the antigen load to your immune system. Many of those that have their neuroendocrine-immune system up-regulated are usually sensitive to the foods that they eat most often. The goal of the original three days is not to decrease calories, but rather to decrease the antigenic load. The reason lime and lemon juice are used is due to its alkalinizing properties which are usually required. Organic grade B maple syrup is suggested because it is sweeter than other grades, and therefore less maple syrup is needed to antagonize the sour taste. Green tea can be added to the mixture if you prefer and you can drink hot green tea all day during the initial 3-5 days.

If you are insulin dependent or are on medication that does not allow you to fast, then avoid step one and start with step two.

Any fast must be conducted under the care of a trained medical professional.


Perform the three-week Clearvite-SF® program as instructed on the Clearvite-SF® handout. Instructions can also be found at During this step it is important to take the supplements listed at the end of the handout for insulin resistance. Be prepared for each day of the Clearvite-SF® program by planning your meals ahead.
Be sure to read the Clearvite-SF® program booklet and make sure that you have the proper groceries at home to comply with the program. Remember: “Organic is best.” A discussion about your program should occur with your family members and spouse so they can be supportive during the program. Many times spouses and family members will unconsciously try to sabotage family members during the program and it helps to be prepared to discuss the issue if it arises. It is not uncommon to have an adverse reaction while in the program (nausea, gastrointestinal irritation, skin outbreaks, anxiety, etc.).
If this occurs it may be due to too much support and you should discuss reducing your dose of Clearvite-SF® with your doctor. It is very unlikely that you will have sensitivities to the Clearvite-SF® since it is a high-quality hypoallergenic formula; therefore cutting down the dosage is usually all that is required. If you are being supported with additional supplements and an adverse reaction occurs, speak with your doctor and he or she may have you stop taking all of them and re-introduce them back one at a time at ½ the original dose. It may not be that you are sensitive to the supplements, but rather your metabolism is being impacted too aggressively. However, most people will never encounter adverse reactions.

In my office you might have performed an Asyra tio determine allergies or sensitivities to foods. Follow the diet paying attention to avoiding the foods listed on your report. Remember the food is the specific one below the catagory (next to the green square). If you havn’t yet scheduled for your appointment or are looking at doing this program from long distance than we might suggest a blood test that we can send to you. Please watch the below video on the Asyra to get an idea of what to expect on your office visit.



Steps one and two allow you to eliminate common food sensitivities that may up-regulate your neuroendocrine-immune axis. In step 3 you will begin adding one food back into your diet at a time. Keep a dietary journal and take notice of any symptoms when you reintroduce food groups back into your diet. Remember: Don’t undo all of your hard work with processed foods, sugars, junk foods and sodas! You’ve just cleaned out your system and filling it up with those kinds of foods will only counteract the benefits of this program. It is important for you to note how you feel at the end of the Clearvite-SF® program. If you feel dramatically better, you probably suffered from multiple food sensitivities and your gastrointestinal-immune system was up-regulated. If you feel no improvement with your digestion, speak with your doctor about options for further investigation. If you feel better at the end of the Clearvite-SF® program and food sensitivities were identified, but continued support needs to be provided to calm down your neuroendocrine-immune axis, you can repeat the lime-aid fast for three to five days followed by the two week Clearvite-SF® program every two to three months under the care of a trained medical professional.
Adjunct Support During Clearvite-SF® Program that can be included in your protocol.

Incorporated during Step 2 and 3

1. GLYSEN (K01) 2-4 capsules, three times a day with meals

2. OMEGACO-3 (K07) 2 tablespoons, twice a day with or without meals

3. FIBROMIN (K25) 2 capsules, three times a day with or without meals

4. PROTOGLYSEN (K28) 2 capsules, three times a day with meals

5. ADAPTOCRINE (K02) 2 capsules, three times a day with or without meals

6. ADRENACALM (K16) as directed, three times a day

7. Glutathione Suppository or OxiCell ¼ teaspoon three times a day / 1 500mg before bed.

Nutrition Program:

A specific dietary plan is recommended with the ClearVite-SF

® detoxification program. This plan is known as an “elimination dietary program,” because the program requires that certain foods be eliminated from the daily diet while the program is in progress. To assist you with the nutritional requirements of the program, a dietary plan has been provided below.

The caloric requirements of different individuals vary significantly from each other. Each individual, to meet his/her caloric and nutritional needs, should modify the “Daily Diet Samples.” Remember that each serving of ClearVite-SF® provides approximately 120 calories, 15 grams of proteins, and 15 grams of complex carbohydrates. The basic nutritional needs to be followed while on this program are: eat according to your appetite, do not overeat, select the most nutritional foods (organic dark greens), include foods that offer soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, and drink plenty of fresh water.

Number of Servings of Clearvite-SF® to be taken:

Nutrition Program:

A specific dietary
plan is recommended with the ClearVite-SF
detoxification program. This plan is known as an
“elimination dietary program,” because the program requires
that certain foods be eliminated from the daily diet while
the program is in progress. To assist you with the
nutritional requirements of the program, a dietary plan has
been provided below.


The caloric requirements of different individuals vary
significantly from each other. Each individual, to meet
his/her caloric and nutritional needs, should modify the
“Daily Diet Samples.” Remember that each serving of

provides approximately 120 calories, 15 grams of proteins,
and 15 grams of complex carbohydrates. The basic nutritional
needs to be followed while on this program are:

eat according to your appetite, do not
overeat, select the most nutritional foods (organic dark
greens), include foods that offer soluble and insoluble
dietary fibers, and drink plenty of fresh water.

Daily Diet Samples (organic)

Preparation Phase 1 

or Completion Phase 2

Preparation Phase 2, 

or Completion Phase 1

Detoxification Phase


Before Breakfast   1 Serving


Before Breakfast    1 Serving


Before Breakfast    1 Serving






Turkey Bacon



Quinoa Hot Cereal

(heath food store)

Mixed Fruit



Handful of Raw
Pumpkin or

Sunflower Seeds


Taro Chips (health
food store)


Carrot Stick


Before Lunch    1 Serving


Salad with Olive Oil/Lemon

Salmon Filet (wild)


Mixed Green Salad with Chicken

Olive Oil/Lemon


Mixed Green Salad

Raw Nuts, Seeds,and

Avocados Olive Oil/Lemon




Handful of Cashews


Dried Fruit and Nuts

(watch for allergies such

as peanuts)


Before Dinner    1 Serving



Before Dinner    1 Serving


Chicken Breast

Steamed Vegetables



Brown Rice

Vegetables (raw or
lightly steamed)


Baked Potato

Brown Rice

Lightly Steamed Vegetables

Bedtime SNACK

Rice Cakes with

Raw Almond Butter

Bedtime SNACK

Dried Apricots (unsulphured)

Bedtime SNACK

Rice Cakes with

Raw Almond Butter





The ClearVite-SF®
Detoxification Protocol







Servings of


to be taken

Dietary Plan to follow

1 & 2


1 to 4

“Preparation Phase 1” 

One Serving Daily,

Just Before Breakfast


Foods to avoid:

• Any
food that you are allergic to

Dairy (milk, cheeses, yogurt, butter), eggs, margarine, & shortening

Foods prepared with Gluten-containing cereals like wheat, oats, rye,

barley, those ingredients normally found in breads, pasta, etc.

Tomatoes and tomato sauces, corn.

Alcohol, Caffeine (coffee, black tea, sodas)

• Soy
or products made from soy, such as soymilk or tofu

Peanuts or peanut butter

Beef, pork, cold cuts, bacon, hotdogs, canned meat, sausage,
shellfish, meat substitutes made from soy


Foods to eat:

Drink plenty of fresh water (8-10 glasses), herbal teas, green tea,
fruit juices (no sugar added), vegetable juices

Grain foods made from rice, millet, quinoa, buckwheat,or tapioca

Fresh fruits, vegetables, beans (navy, white, red kidney, etc.),

peas (fresh, split, snap)

Mainly fish (not shellfish), and moderate amounts of chicken,
turkey, and lamb

• Use mainly olive
oil and flaxseed oil in moderation



3 & 4


5 to 7

“Preparation Phase 2” 

Two Servings Daily,

One Before Breakfast,

One Before Dinner.


5 to 10


8 to14


Three Servings Daily,

One Before Breakfast,

One Before Lunch,

One Before Dinner.



During this phase of
the plan:

Avoid all of the foods in the “Foods to avoid” listed above.

• Use
any of the foods in the “Foods to eat” above listed,

except eliminate all animal products from the diet (including

chicken, turkey,
and lamb).




11 & 12


15 to17

“Completion Phase 1” 

Two Servings Daily,

One Before Breakfast,

One Before Dinner.



During this phase of
the plan:

Avoid all of the foods in the “Foods to avoid” listed above.

• Use
any of the foods in the “Foods to eat” above listed,

including the
animal products
(fish, chicken, turkey, and lamb).






13 & 14



18 to 21

“Completion Phase 2” 

One Serving Daily,

Just Before Breakfast


To prevent any confusion or mistakes, make notes on your calendar regarding the number of servings of Clearvite-SF® to be taken for each day and for the duration of the program.

If you are on any medications, continue taking them as recommended by your physician. Only your physician can change the schedule or the dose for your medications. Inform your health practitioner if you feel any digestive or other discomfort feelings while on this program. Only your health care practitioner should determine any deviation from the recommended plan or diet.

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