Recently there have been numerous conversations about both LumoMed & ShimSpot treatments on the Tinnitus Talk forum. Both Dr. Kaiser & Dr. Shim are excited about the potential of their treatments for the inner ear and the potential of combining these treatments.

What is SunaVae?

LumoMed is a series of laser treatments, and ShimSpot is a safe and effective injection of X Cell stem cells. Combined, they become SunaVae Therapy!

What is Our History With Inner Ear Regeneration?

Dr. John Lieurance and the team at Advanced Rejuvenation have been focusing on inner ear regeneration for many years. They have been seeking out the best options for treatments aimed to regenerate the inner ear for conditions such as tinnitus, hearing loss, hyperacusis, and even balance disorders which can all be due to inner ear damage. We brought LumoMed to the USA almost a decade ago, and are currently the only providers for LumoMed in the USA. Our clinic became certified in ShimSpot this year and we are currently offering the combination of both techniques.

What are X Cell Stem Cells and Why use Them for Inner Ear Regeneration?

After working in the field of regenerative medicine for over 20 years, I have seen myriad stem cell applications and many different types of stem cells. They all have unique characteristics.

The vast majority of clinics use perinatal stem cells, which include stem cells from cord blood, Wharton’s jelly, and amniotic fluid. There are also products containing exosomes derived from these perinatal stem cells. Exosomes are the tiny vesicles that are secreted from stem cells and activate a rejuvenating effect. After using perinatal stem cells and perinatal exosomes for many years, I have discovered a much more powerful stem cell line I call X cells.

X cells (not to be confused with the lymphocytes of the same name) are derived from adipose, or fat tissue, and they are considered adipose-derived stem cells (ADSC). Let’s dive into the benefits of ADSC and why they might be the best answer for regeneration of the inner ear as well as orthopedic and neurologic applications.

Also see article on X Cell stem cell therapy for the inner ear. HERE

For more information on X Cell’s and why they are the most powerful line of stem cells available. CLICK HERE

The Need For Inner Ear Regeneration.

Besides our loud modern environment, we also have stresses such as COVID and Vax injuries. SunaVae has come at the perfect time to support all who suffer damage to the inner ear.

A Stem Cell injection followed by laser activation is not a new approach to the regeneration of cells and tissues. For the past 25 years, Dr. John and his medical staff have been performing this combination with orthopedic care. Using stem cells along with laser holds much promise.

Why Laser Stem Cells?

Stem cells are fragile, and there is a risk called senescence where they can go into a permanent state of sleep. This is the major focus of many studies on improving stem cell results by scientists working in the field of regenerative medicine.

What’s the Secret Sauce?

Laser in the spectrum of 660nm with a high power of 75,000 mv is the technology used at Advanced Rejuvenation and through LumoMed. Methylene Blue is also used to further improve the activation of the stem cells by the laser. This is called PhotBioModulation. You can see more information on this technology by reading Dr. John’s ebook on Methylene Blue at which takes a deep dive into this “Magic Bullet”.

Additional Support at Home Also Advised.

Advanced Rejuvenation and Dr. John Lieurance have been working to put together the most cutting-edge protocol for inner ear health we call the “Sensory Rejuvenation Protocol”. This protocol focuses on specific lifestyle modifications, nutritional support, and removing all triggers causing inflammation in the nervous system and/or the inner ear. Read Dr. John’s Article on Sensory Rejuvenation HERE.


HARVARD STUDY: biostimulation of inner ear cells with light. JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS: photobiomodulation reduces inflammatory cytokines and markers of oxidative stress in cochlear hair cells

Here Are Some Study Results From Dr. Shim On His ShimSpot Treatment:

These results are based on patients treated with ShimSpot.

The statistics results are more realistic than dramatic. The better results are within the most important range which is where the conversation takes place, and they are statistically significant.

Treatment Result Of Sudden Hearing Loss:

A 37-year-old Female.

ShimSPOT x7 over 1 month.

After Injection using ShimSPOT

Her hearing is now normalized!

Why We Only Use the Stem Cell Approach.

Dr. Shim uses either PRP or Stem cell injections in his practice in Korea. The use of PRP requires 6 or more injections in the ear treated. However, stem cells only require 2, as it is more effective. This is why we only provide stem cell injections for our patients, as most of them travel in for this treatment.

Schedule a 1 or 2 Week Protocol.

We have designed a 1 and 2-week protocol for this. The injection is painless and only requires you to lay for 30 minutes afterward. An IV, suppository, or an oral preparation of Methylene Blue will be administered after the ShimSpot injection, and LumoMed will be performed at this time and in the following days.

Details on LumoMed.

LumoMed is a series of laser treatments. Each lasts an hour, and they are done daily for 1 or 2 weeks for a total of 5-10 treatments. It is recommended to receive 10 treatments over 2 weeks rather than only 5. Folks who will travel in can break their care into 2 visits each lasting one week. It isn’t recommended to wait longer than 1 month for the follow-up treatment.

The Sensory Rejuvenation Protocol is suggested as a follow-up care plan to further support the regeneration of the inner ear. We also offer a 3-month Sensory Rejuvenation Coaching Program to further support our patients receiving this treatment.


Dr. John On ABC News


*Individual Results May Vary From Person To Person

Is Inner Ear Regeneration Possible?


*Individual Results May Vary From Person To Person

30 Minute Lecture By Dr John On LumoMed


*Individual Results May Vary From Person To Person

More In-Depth Look At LumoMed For Tinnitus Care.


*Individual Results May Vary From Person To Person

Attend a Webinar with Dr. John Lieurance, Dr. Dan Pompa, and Amon Kaiser for FREE! Sign up below and enjoy exploring what other doctors consider to be the impossible!


Inner Ear laser therapy must be performed with specialized lasers as well as machine settings that have been discovered by Dr. Kaiser in Germany.

To understand how laser treatments work, you need a good understanding of hair cells.

Hair cells in the inner ear are the nerve cells that allow us to perceive sound waves. They are essential for our balance, hearing, and proper brain function. Without them, we would be deaf and disoriented. If hair cells are damaged in any way, we suffer permanent hearing loss or debilitating balance disorders. We are finding these insufficiencies are also intimately connected to our brain function and can cause issues with proper coordination of the eyes and movement of the body. Since the autonomic nervous system is also wired through these pathways, the function of the gut, heart, liver, kidney, and bladder can all suffer from issues from your hair cells. With these little cells being so important, you would think this would be a major area of new medical breakthroughs… but it’s not compared to other areas of medicine!

What are these hair cells?

Under a microscope, these cells look as though they have tiny hair protruding from them. Hence the name “hair cells”. Stereocilia are organs made of hair cells, and they bend in response to sound or other mechanical influences. There are two types: auditory and vestibular. Auditory hair cells, which detect sound, are located in the cochlea of the inner ear. Movements of the stereocilia are transmitted to the brain and interpreted as sound. Our sense of balance is also made possible through vestibular hair cells. These are located in vestibular organs. Loud noises, ototoxic drugs (drugs that damage the hearing), Lyme disease & other bacterial infections, viral infections, and trauma can all damage hair cells.

The good news is that the possibility of hair cell regeneration in mammals has been confirmed! Even Harvard has done studies supporting SunaVae technology


Laser therapy might hold promise for those suffering from hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders. Several doctors have been working with the application of laser therapy for the regeneration of the hair cells in the inner ear. The concept is that by supplying energy in the form of photons into the inner ear, the hair cells can utilize that energy to repair and regenerate themselves. Dr. Amon Kaiser has been working with lasers for more than 20 years after his father pioneered the methods in the 70s. (Click here for several video interviews with Dr. Amon Kaiser) It is well known that laser therapy can influence growth factors and stem cell activation. Using SHimSpot followed by the activation of stem cells might offer the most advanced option for inner ear repair and regeneration. Stem cells have been studied by major medical institutions, and both have shown hair cell regeneration effects. Another aspect of this treatment is a high safety profile, and little risk of injury, and results show efficacy in hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance in most cases.*

Learn More About How The Inner Ear Works!

Endo-Nasal Cranial Therapy For Inner Ear Health.

Why are manipulations and functional neurology applied to SunaVae therapy protocols?

There are dense connective tissues that wind, wrap and connect to the inside lining of the cranial bones. These connective tissues are called dura mater (dura), which in Latin means “tough mother.” “Tough”, because it has 2,000 lbs. per square inch of strength, and “mother” because it acts to protect the very sensitive tissues of your central nervous system. The dura becomes the whites of your eyes and is the lining of the sinus as well as into the area around the inner ear. I always like to give the example of a swamp versus a river. Which one is a healthier environment? The river of course, as it has a good circulation of nutrients and keeps things clean and free of debris and toxins. Circulation acts to “bring in the groceries and take out the garbage.”

Without this, organs and tissues in your body become a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria, which is a major cause of stress and damage to the Inner ear.

Lymphatics channels the ears as well as most other parts of your body and creates what is called “drainage.” If you have poor drainage you have a swamp and a perfect terrain for microbial growth.FCR Works On This With The Specific Endo-Nasal Balloon Manipulations, To Release These Tissues And Turn The Inner Ear Environment Into A River.

This can lead to healing and regeneration of the cells and tissues in the inner ear. Besides this benefit, the combination of cranial adjustments with functional neurology has shown significant improvements in cases of hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders, which are due to central nervous system causes. (Read my article regarding central causes of tinnitus.) Many times, it is impossible for the brain, eyes, and muscles of the neck and spine NOT to suffer an imbalance. With functional neurology, we have specific ways we activate the nervous system using a variety of modalities based on your exam findings. Many times exercises are prescribed to perform in the office and at home.

Why are manipulations and functional neurology applied to SunaVae therapy protocols?

*Individual Results May Vary. Information On This Web Site Is Provided For Informational Purposes Only And Is Not Intended To Diagnose Or Treat Any Health Problem, Condition, Or Disease. Please Consult Your Healthcare Provider Before Making Any Decisions On Medication, Supplements, Or Treatment As The Information Provided On This Website Does Not Take The Place Of Seeing A Licensed Healthcare Professional. The Information, Testimonials, Videos And Patient Photos Provided On This Website Are For Informational Purposes Only And Should Not Serve As A Substitute For A Professional Consultation Or Advice

Yours In Health,

John Lieurance, D.C. Functional Neurology

To set up an appointment or for more information E-mail me at Or Call our office at (941) 330-8553

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