PRP Therapy Tag

PROLOTHERAPY RESEARCH Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine Reeves KD, Hassanein KM. Long-term effects of dextrose prolotherapy for anterior cruciate ligament laxity. Altern Ther Health Med. 2003 May-Jun;9(3):58-62. CONTEXT: Use of dextrose prolotherapy. Prolotherapy is defined as injection that causes growth of normal cells or tissue. OBJECTIVE: Determine...

Adullt Reconstruction Knee 6: Miscellaneous PRP intra-articular injection versus viscosupplementation as treatments for early osteoarthritis. Podium No: 685 Friday, March 12, 2010 05:12 PM - 05:18 PM Location: Morial Convention Center Room 345 Elizaveta Kon, MD Italy Bologna Italy Roberto Buda Bologna Italy Bert Mandelbaum, MD Santa Monica CA Guiseppe Filardo, MD Antonio Timoncini, MD Bologna...