Treatment of senile dementia Alzheimer type with ozone

Treatment of senile dementia Alzheimer type with ozone

Treatment of senile dementia Alzheimer type with magnetic field and ozone

Chap. (YE). Juan de J. Llibre Rodríguez, 1 Dr. Juan A. Samper Noa2, and My. (SM) Zoila Pérez González3
Specialist of II Degree in Internal Medicine. Assistant teacher.
Specialist of I Degree in Internal Medicine.
Specialist in I Degree in physiatry.

We studied 45 patients with a diagnosis of senile dementia of the Alzheimer type, which were randomly divided into 3 treatment groups: rectal ozone therapy, magnetotherapy and combined treatment. Three types of responses were defined: regression or improvement, progression and without changes, according to the age-dependent global scale of impairment and Alzheimer’s disease, the miniexamen of the mental state of Folstein, the family criterion and observation of the medical equipment for improvement in psychiatric and behavioral manifestations, as well as other indicators that measure quality of life. A regression or improvement response was obtained in 60% of the cases with the magnetic field and ozone therapy combined at one month of treatment, being maintained in 46.6% of the patients, even at 6 months of treatment, a response that was not it was obtained with the use of magnetic field or ozone, as isolated methods. There were no manifestations of toxicity in the patients.


Advances in contemporary medicine will enable the population over 60 years of age to present 15% of the world’s population in the next century.1 In Cuba, life expectancy currently reaches 74 years, an indicator similar to that of the most developed countries.
It is estimated that between 4 and 5% of the population over 65 years old, there is a deterioration of the mental state with marked disability, a figure that rises to 10% if the light or beginning forms are included.2 Alzheimer’s disease constitutes 50% 60% of all cases of dementia, followed in order of frequency by vascular or multinfarction dementia with 10 to 20% of all cases.3,4 In Cuba, the estimated prevalence of cognitive impairment and dementia in studies performed in the elderly population The age of 65 ranges between 7 and 10%. (Guerra Hernán dez M, Llibre Rodríguez J. Prevalence of dementia in the population over 65 years of age: study in the health area of ​​the “Carlos J. Finlay” Polyclinic Degree thesis, HMC “Carlos J. Finlay”, City of Havana, 1990), Martín Guerrero X, Rodríguez Rivera L. Dementia Syndrome: study in a health area of ​​Santiago de Las Vegas. Thesis. HCM “Carlos J Finlay, City of Havana, 1990).

The treatment of senile dementia Alzheimer’s type (DSTA) at present is practically null and the medicines with which some improvement is reported, have as a counterpart toxic side effects.5 Their current treatment has as fundamental objective to influence the quality of life of patients, particularly in their relationship with the environment, psychic and behavioral manifestations, as well as personal habits, taking into account the economic, family and social impact of this disease. The use in Cuba of ozone therapy in its treatment has reported favorable results (Carrasco M. Treatment of dementias with ozone therapy, in: I Iberoamerican Congress of Geriatrics, City of Havana, 1992), but the use of magnetic field alone or associated The DSTA has not been used.

Among the biological effects of magnetic therapy, a method that uses variable low frequency magnetic fields, it is mentioned the improvement of blood flow, the increase in the excitation speed of nerve fibers, the increase of intracellular metabolism, the improvement of micro-bonding and the stabilization of cell membranes.6,7 It is for this reason that in the present therapeutic study a new method is evaluated, which associates the application of ozone and the magnetic field, with the purpose of contributing to raise the health levels of the Cuban population over 65 years old.


The investigation was carried out with 45 patients who attended the consultation, in the period from February 1992 to January 1994, with a diagnosis of senile dementia type Alzheimer probable, according to the modified criteria of the DSM-III and the NINCDS-ASRDA work group. 8.9
The complete clinical history of the patients and the exploration of the mental state were performed by means of the Folstein mini-examination, 10 the Hachinski ischemic scale and the scale of global deterioration to evaluate cognitive alteration dependent on age and Alzheimer’s disease (GDS). ), in order to determine the severity of cognitive impairment and evaluate the response to treatment.

All patients underwent computed tomography of the skull and 29 of them, electroencephalogram at the beginning and at 1 month of treatment. Consent was obtained from the patient and the family member responded.


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Recibido: 26 de diciembre de 1994. Aprobado: 13 de abril de 1995.

Cap. (SM) Juan de J. Llibre Rodríguez. HMC “Dr. Carlos J. Finlay”. Calle 114 y Avenida 31. Marianao, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba.

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