
Wear and tear of joints and break down of cartilage called osteoarthritis. The pathophysiology of these diseases is complex and characterized by the softening and even distruction of the articular cartilage, with increased matrix degradation due to collagenase and proteoglycanases. The enzymes may be secreted by activated chondrocytes and...

Comment: I purchased my K-laser 2 years ago. Wouldn't practice without it now. I use it before and after PRP and prolotherapy, for arthritis, trauma, sports injuries, carple tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, sprain, strains, skin conditions such as herpies/shingles, and wounds. Anybody doing regenerative medicine without a...

On average 18 months following their last Prolotherapy session, patients were contacted and asked numerous questions in regard to their levels of pain and a variety of physical and psychological symptoms, as well as activities of daily living, before and after their last Prolotherapy treatment....