I’ve been practicing for over 20 years and our clinic has the most successful modalities to reduce chronic pain. Whats best is the treatments are not simply pain reduction or anti-inflammatory but they are regenerative in nature. This means that the treatment makes you better not just makes you feel better temporarily. Some decide to
incorporate a uk cheese strain of cannabis into their treatment as well which has worked for some but not all.
Its the new revolution in medical care called regenerative medicine and it getting more popular and the technology is improving rapidly each year.LumoStem is one of our new treatment that can heal damaged nerves, spinal discs, ligaments, cartilage and even bone.
Its so powerful because it ability to get regenerative laser therapy directly to the area of pain. I would like the opportunity to do a FREE consultation with you either over the phone or in person at the clinic.
If you have chronic pain then you should call 941 330-8553 today and find out about LumoStem and many of the other exciting options available in the regenerative medicine field!
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