
Stress going straight to your Jaw? By John Lieurance, D.C. There is a condition that is common in stressed out people. It’s called Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD), sometimes referred to as myofacial pain dysfunction or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. It’s a condition involving pain in the muscles of...

We offer a unique approach to Vertigo. Watch these Movies and See for Yourself Why it Works so Well for so Many.   Stop suffering from these horrible conditions by calling our office for an appointment or a consultation over the phone. (941) 330-8553. Or E-mail Dr. John at

See for treatment options for chronic ear pain. Many people who suffer from ETF issues can have trouble with diving. A common problem is difficulty with the ears during descent. When this occurs at 5 feet depth there may be a closure or obstruction of the Eustachian...