[caption id="attachment_211" align="alignright" width="265" caption="Platlet Rich Plasma at Advanced Wellness Center."][/caption] NPR recently featured PRP discussing it’s use in orthopedics & sports medicine. Interestingly via professional athletes, the community is learning more about emerging therapies that are driving change in medicine. Hopefully indirectly the increased awareness...
[caption id="attachment_205" align="alignright" width="110" caption="PRP at Advanced Wellness Center."][/caption] http://abcnews.go.com/Health/PainNews/Story?id=6895441&page=1 A handful of sports medicine specialists across the country have been quietly experimenting with a medication-free treatment aimed at healing injuries faster -- a concentrated solution of the patient's blood. Platelet-rich plasma therapy may help injured athletes recover...
Slow cadence resistance training on high-end med-x equipment in my office. It has changed my perspective of pain and gain with regards to working out. I have found that this form of training is healthier, more efficient, and produces great results for a variety of...
Many of my patients over the years have had chiropractic care for back or neck pain with little, no pain relief. Sometimes they have even gotten worse from adjustments. We make a point to evaluate each patient with stress x-rays where they will bend in...
[caption id="attachment_42" align="alignright" width="103" caption="Wellington Chen, M.D."][/caption] The patient is a 45-year-old female with complaints of right shoulder pain for three weeks after bench pressing and feeling a crunch. An MRI demonstrated a tear of the middle supraspinatus (rotator cuff) along with bursitis (fluid build up around...
Achilles Tendon Tear The patient is a 71-year-old male physician who ruptured his Achilles tendon. While playing badminton, he heard a pop and shortly afterwards was evaluated by an orthopaedist and received x-rays and an MRI. The MRI demonstrated a severe right Achilles tendon rupture involving...