04 Feb Dr. John Lieurance traines with Jay Smith, M.D. of the Mayo Clinic in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound for Prolotherapy, PRP, and Prolozone injection accuracy.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

Gecko Joint & Spine is leading the way in utilizing cutting edge technology with ultrasound to enhance patient care. Professional sports including most European soccer clubs and now the NBA are taking advantage of it’s many benefits. Ultrasound is utilized to diagnose tendons, ligaments, soft tissue & visualize abnormal fluid. It provides a cost effective, immediate, hands on analysis of the musculoskeletal system. Additionally we use ultrasound with most injections to ensure accurate, efficient, and often less painful procedures.
NBA (National Basketball Association) now utilizes musculoskeletal ultrasound for diagnoses and treatment. Learn more.
For more info documenting the need for accurate injections incorporating ultrasound read here:
- The diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography in gluteal tendon tears – a systematic review. (Abstract)
- Musculoskeletal References (PDF)
- Game Changer: Ultrasound-guided needle procedures offer accurate, cost-effective, and often less painful treatment of musculoskeletal disorders (PDF)
- Accuracy of Ultrasound-Guided Versus Fluoroscopically Guided Contrast-Controlled Piriformis Injections (PDF)
- Ultrasound can improve the accuracy of intra-articular injections and aspirations (PDF)
- Ultrasound improves effectiveness of knee injections (PDF)
- Ultrasound in the Daily Management of Sports Injuries by Dr. Patrick Goh (PDF)
- Improved accuracy & success of injections utilizing guidance versus blind injections:
- Accuracy of Ultrasound-Guided and Palpation-Guided Knee Injections By an Experienced and Less-Experienced Injector Using a Superolateral Approach: A Cadaveric Study (Abstract)
- The Accuracy of Ultrasound-Guided and Palpation-Guided Peroneal Tendon Sheath Injections (Abstract)
- Improving Injection Accuracy of the Elbow, Knee, and Shoulder: Does Injection Site and Imaging Make a Difference? A Systematic Review(PDF)
- Accuracy of Needle Placement into the Intra-Articular Space of the Knee (PDF)
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