Abstract Recent experimental data have shown that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) was associated increased Bcl-2 expression at the injury site that correlated with reduced apoptosis. We hypothesized that HBOT mediated enhancement of Bcl-2 expression and increased intracellular oxygen bio-availability may both contribute to preserve mitochondrial integrity...

Stem cell mobilization by hyperbaric oxygen Stephen R. Thom1,2, Veena M. Bhopale1, Omaida C. Velazquez3, Lee J. Goldstein3, Lynne H. Thom1, and Donald G. Buerk4 Abstract We hypothesized that exposure to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) would mobilize stem/progenitor cells from the bone marrow by a nitric oxide (·NO) -dependent mechanism. The population of CD34+ cells...

      AP PHOTO/JAE C. HONG         Why Did Kobe Go to Germany? An aging star and the new procedure that could revolutionize sports medicine By Jonah Lehrer on April 11, 2012 PRINT   By nearly every metric, Kobe Bryant is having his best season in years. Not only is he leading the...

Acid Alkaline Food Chart Food consumption in the most advanced countries of the world has changed from nutritious raw foods to highly processed foods very low in nutritional value. New chemicals have been introduced to our foods, air, and water, which have put even greater stresses on...

Involved in so many processes in the body from liver, ophthalmic, brain and lung functioning, Glutathione has been shown to be a very beneficial, functional medicine therapy. GlutaGenic makes the only high potency and absobabe Glutathione. Benefits: It is the major endogenous antioxidant produced by the cells,...