07 Jun Great Video on other options to Steroids. Click below.
Alternatives to Steroid Injections. ...
Alternatives to Steroid Injections. ...
Prolotherapy improved the pain and function in five knees with osteoarthritis. All five degenerated knees showed evidence of articular cartilage regeneration in their standard weight-bearing X-rays after Prolotherapy...
PROLOTHERAPY RESEARCH Pain physician Wilkinson HA. Injection therapy for enthesopathies causing axial spine pain and the "failed back syndrome": a single blinded, randomized and cross-over study. Pain Physician. 2005 Apr;8(2):167-73. BACKGROUND: Enthesopathies are a common cause of axial pain that is amenable to "minimally invasive" therapy. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate...
When trying a new therapy, doctors would ask patients if they felt better. This was before double-blinded studies began. If patients showed improvement it was accepted and presumed that the therapy was effective. With a new therapy, of course it was taught...
Achilles Tendon Tear The patient is a 71-year-old male physician who ruptured his Achilles tendon. While playing badminton, he heard a pop and shortly afterwards was evaluated by an orthopaedist and received x-rays and an MRI. The MRI demonstrated a severe right Achilles tendon rupture involving...
If you or someone you know is struggling with a chronic injury or arthritis they might be a candidate for PRP. We have personally seen PRP and Prolotherapy change lives! As always our consultation is no charge so call 941 330-8553. Telephone consultations are also...