13 Mar PRP Injections for ski injury to knee. Rebuild cartilage, ligament and tendons.
Introduction with Dr. Lieurance. A Patient's Testimonial on PRP for her knee. ...
Introduction with Dr. Lieurance. A Patient's Testimonial on PRP for her knee. ...
This was a great question one of our readers asked recently. Please see my response at the end! I am sorry, but this is an illogical treatment and I cannot let this article pass without providing other, possibly uninformed, readers with some type of option. Why not...
A BRAND NEW WAY TO GET RID OF PAIN FOR GOOD By Barbara Tunick © Woman's World Magazine If there's one good thing about having a bad headache or backache, it's that the pain is temporary. Pop a pill or get a good or get a good night's...
Tom Lehman always has loved the challenge of playing in big events, so it's not surprising that he is excited about this season after an injury-plagued 2008. During one seven-week stretch this summer, Lehman could play in five major championships, and could tee it up in...
By: Ross Hauser, M.D. The chief principle of Prolotherapy is that it treats the root cause of chronic pain and sports injuries-ligament and tendon weakness. The chief symptom of ligament and/or tendon injury is pain. The pain is aggravated by activity when tension is placed upon the...
Recently an orthopedic surgeon attended a weekend course and now performing PRP Prolotherapy on patients. It appears the orthopedic surgeon had absolutely no training in Prolotherapy, and the only difference was, instead of a steriod being injected he was injecting PRP. To become skilled in the art of PRP Prolotherapy, it requires years...
In July 2002, research showed that arthoscopic surgeries worked as well as shame (fake) sureries where as effective as the real thing! Half the pateints got real arthroscopic surgery and the placebo group got 2 holes poked and they pretended to fix it. These people...
[caption id="attachment_271" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="PRP at Advanced Wellness Center."][/caption] AORN Journal Volume 80, Issue 4, Page 667 (October 2004) ABSTRACT Intraoperative use of autologous platelet-rich and platelet-poor plasma for orthopedic surgery patients Kathleen M. Floryan, RN1, William J. Berghoff, MD2 ABSTRACT •AS -- USE OF AUTOLOGOUS platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-poor plasma...
MY TOP TEN REASONS NOT TO GET A CORTISONE SHOT. Ross Hauser, M.D. “My doctor wants to give me a cortisone shot. What do you think?” “Cortisone helped me before, why shouldn’t I get another shot?” “Is Prolotherapy going to hurt like a cortisone shot?"” Below are my top ten...
This is a great story about someone who would be unlikely to be a success within natural approaches to lumbar disc treatment. He was successful because of the combination of specific modalities that where assembled for his unique circumstance. I use the Pettibon System for...