Using the PEMF in Neurodegenerative Diseases to promote autophagy and inhibit aggregation of alpha-synuclein

Using the PEMF in Neurodegenerative Diseases to promote autophagy and inhibit aggregation of alpha-synuclein

Below you will find an article that suggests that the idea most Neurodegenerative Diseases which have aggregation of alpha-synuclein such as parkinson and multiple system atrophy may be caused by poor autophagy  or inefficient cellular clearance mechanisms. PEMF  help’s this! See the study below.

Autophagic failure promotes the exocytosis and intercellular transfer of α-synuclein.


Department of Anatomy, SMART-IABS, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea.


The accumulation of abnormal protein aggregates is a major characteristic of many neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson’s disease (PD). The intracytoplasmic deposition of α-synuclein aggregates and Lewy bodies, often found in PD and other α-synucleinopathies, is thought to be linked to inefficient cellular clearance mechanisms, such as the proteasome and autophagy/lysosome pathways. The accumulation of α-synuclein aggregates in neuronal cytoplasm causes numerous autonomous changes in neurons. However, it can also affect the neighboring cells through transcellular transmission of the aggregates. Indeed, a progressive spreading of Lewy pathology among brain regions has been hypothesized from autopsy studies. We tested whether inhibition of the autophagy/lysosome pathway in α-synuclein-expressing cells would increase the secretion of α-synuclein, subsequently affecting the α-synuclein deposition in and viability of neighboring cells. Our results demonstrated that autophagic inhibition, via both pharmacological and genetic methods, led to increased exocytosis of α-synuclein. In a mixed culture of α-synuclein-expressing donor cells with recipient cells, autophagic inhibition resulted in elevated transcellular α-synuclein transmission. This increase in protein transmission coincided with elevated apoptotic cell death in the recipient cells. These results suggest that the inefficient clearance of α-synuclein aggregates, which can be caused by reduced autophagic activity, leads to elevated α-synuclein exocytosis, thereby promoting α-synuclein deposition and cell death in neighboring neurons. This finding provides a potential link between autophagic dysfunction and the progressive spread of Lewy pathology.


M.I.C.E. (Magnetically Induced Cellular Exercise) utilizing pulsed electro-magnetic frequency therapy, re-energizes damaged cells by inducing electrical changes within the cell that restore it to its normal healthy state.

Cellular Exercise – Induces Autophagy

Autophagy is an internal “housekeeping” and recycling system that degrades damaged or unwanted organelles and proteins in a cell, and produces energy. This process has been shown to protect against cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, infections, diabetes, and more.   The failure of autophagy is thought to be one of the main reasons for the accumulation of cell damage and aging.

The use of magnetic therapy in medicine dates back more than 500 years.

Modern day research initially focused on the power of electromagnetic energy to help heal bones. PEMF technology was subsequently approved by the FDA for the clinical treatment of bone fractures.

Numerous medical studies have scrutinised PEMF’s role in this area. Research published in the journal of Bone and Joint Surgery showed PEMF therapy resulted in an 87% healing rate of bone grafts with non-union fractures.

PEMF’s ability to ease pain was recognised in a 2007 clinical study which described it as a ‘novel, safe and effective therapeutic tool’ in the treatment of non-malignant pain.

Cancer studies have shown that exposure to PEMF waves inhibits growth of human tumour cells, and encourages anti-tumour agents to flow more freely in the body – specifically at the sites of cancer.

As a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, PEMF has been found to improve visual and short term memory, drawing ability and spatial awareness, and to aid mood and social interaction.

Numerous studies involving Parkinson’s disease have demonstrated PEMF’s ability to help sufferers through improved motor control, greater cognitive powers, and in some cases a reversal of symptoms altogether.

In the treatment of heart disease, PEMF has been found to improve circulation and vascular tone, control hypertension and help to regulate cardiac rhythm. Pulsed magnetic therapy is FDA approved for the treatment of depression. Studies have cited its effectiveness, without the potential side effects of antidepressants and drug based therapy. Patients suffering from major depression experienced a significant reduction in depressive symptoms through PEMF treatment. A study in the Journal of Neuroscience also noted its effectiveness in relation to seasonal depression, stimulating deep regions of the brain and the natural release of serotonin.

Studies involving diabetes showed PEMF to be effective in 74% of patients, reducing vascular complications and giving a hugely improved healing ability for those with purulent (pus) wounds.

For Multiple Sclerosis, electromagnetic treatment quickly led to improvements in a variety of areas, including mood, fatigue, sleep levels, vision, bladder function, movement and speech.

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